Agreements with Portuguese institutions

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University Fernando Pessoa

In March 2019, considering the collaborative relationship in the scope of scientific research, especially in the area of Human and Social Sciences, between CEPESE and University Fernando Pessoa (UFP), materialized in the inclusion of UFP professors as researchers at CEPESE, a protocol was signed between the two institutions, trough which UFP became a collective member of CEPESE.

politecnico de braganca

Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

CEPESE and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança signed a collaboration agreement in June 2016, with the objective of technical and scientific collaboration with a view to jointly carrying out research projects or other actions in the fields of cultural, natural, tourist, and development of the Bragança region, as well as in other areas common to both institutions.


Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto

CEPESE and Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto signed a collaboration agreement in March 2016, aiming at the provision of training actions by CEPESE to SCMP’s staff members, as well as the execution of research projects and other activities.





CEPESE, INOVAGAIA and ISLA signed a collaboration protocol in November 2015, aiming to define the guiding principles for the implementation of OESE - Observatory of Social and Economic Studies, a fundamental instrument for the knowledge of the economic and social context of the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia. For the implementation of OESE, three phases are foreseen: the analysis and characterization of the social and economic context of Vila Nova de Gaia; the analysis of the factors that differentiate the competitiveness of the organizations operating in the municipality; and the definition of a set of services to be made available to companies to support their activity.

Keep Solutions  


In November 2015, CEPESE signed a collaboration agreement with KEEPSOLUTIONS, an advanced services company for libraries, archives and museums, aiming to establish mutual technical and scientific cooperation for joint projects in the fields of archives and preservation of information.


ISCAC Coimbra Business School

CEPESE and ISCAC – Coimbra Business School signed a collaboration agreement in October 2015, aiming at the incorporation of ISCAC professors in CEPESE’s research projects; the mutual association of researchers in the constitution of work groups, favouring the studies and projects proposed by ISCAC; and the joint organization of seminars, conferences, colloquia and open classes on topics of interest to both institutions.


CoraNE - Association for the Development of the Municipalities of Northeastern Trás-os-Montes

In July 2015, CEPESE signed a collaboration agreement with the Association for the Development of the Municipalities of Northeastern Trás-os-Montes, in order to establish technical and scientific collaboration in the scope of research projects in the fields of cultural, natural and tourism development of that region and also with regard to cross-border cooperation.

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Abade de Baçal Museum and Association of Friends of the Abade de Baçal Museum

In June 2015, CEPESE signed a collaboration agreement with the Abade de Baçal Museum and the Association of Friends of the Abade de Baçal Museum, in the scope of technical and scientific collaboration between both institutions, to assist each other in the development of research projects.

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Institute of Higher Studies of Fafe

In June 2015, CEPESE signed a cooperation agreement with IESF - Institute of Higher Studies of Fafe, aiming at the incorporation of IESF professors in CEPESE research groups and projects; setting up mutual working groups; collaboration in the organization of conferences, seminars, and other activities aiming at scientific dissemination; and the use of material and human resources to carry out scientific projects and cultural and social activities of interest to both parties.


IPRI - Portuguese Institute of International Relations

In May 2015, CEPESE signed a cooperation agreement with the Portuguese Institute of International Relations, with the objective of promoting the participation of researchers in programs of joint responsibility; pursuing research activities of interest to both parties, making available the human and material resources necessary to this objective; and collaborating or carrying out joint cultural or social activities of interest to both parties.

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Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto

CEPESE and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto signed a specific cooperation agreement in December 2014, establishing a partnership in the field of Digital Heritage research, with the parties committing themselves to develop joint research projects, sharing knowledge of the researchers of each of the institutions in that area.


GATES - Global Association for Technology, Education and Science

In June 2014, CEPESE signed a protocol of collaboration with GATES - Global Association for Technology, Education and Science, with the objective of initiating mutual cooperation between the two institutions, promoting the provision of services and the exchange of researchers and teachers and their participation in joint responsibility programs.

Universidade de Évora  

University of Évora

CEPESE celebrated in January 2014 a cooperation protocol with the University of Évora, aiming at promoting the participation of professors and researchers in future joint projects; the incorporation of researchers in the constitution of working groups; and the pursuit of cultural and social activities of interest to both parties.


National Library of Portugal

CEPESE signed in May 2013 a cooperation agreement with the Portuguese National Library, for mutual collaboration in the pursuit of research actions involving the study and dissemination of heritage collections of the National Library, which in return facilitates access to the collections of interest for research projects.

Protocolo de colaboração entre a Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas e o Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade  

General Directorate of Book, Archives and Libraries

The CEPESE and DGLAB - General Directorate of the Book of Archives and Libraries signed in June 2013 a cooperation agreement by which CEPESE is perform scan jobs, according to the recommendations of ISO standards - International Organisation for Standardization and NISO - National Information Standards Organization, under DGLAB’s technical guidance.

Grupo COFAC  


CEPESE established, in November 2012, a protocol with COFAC Group – Cooperative for Education and Cultural Animation to promote the publication of joint works and scientific dissemination and sharing of scientific production of both institutions.


CHAM - Centro de História de Além-Mar

CEPESE established, in April 2012, an agreement with the Centro de História de Além-Mar (Research Centre for Overseas History), of the NOVA University of Lisbon and the University of the Azores, in order to promote the participation of researchers from both institutions on joint responsibility programmes, facilitating the use of material resources for the realization of scientific projects and cultural and social activities of interest to both parties.

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Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities

In March 2012, CEPESE signed a collaboration agreement with the Directorate General of Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities (DGACCP), a central service of the State's direct administration, whose mission is to ensure the effectiveness and continuity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This agreement established a set of actions in the field of cultural and scientific training, with the participation of researchers from CEPESE in joint responsibility programs, as well as the promotion of research works of interest for both parties.


ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute

CEPESE and ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon signed in February 2012 a collaboration protocol within the Research Project "Entrepreneurship Portuguese emigrant in Andorra, London, Nice and Monaco", developed by CEPESE and having ISCTE as a partner institution.


Ministry of Internal Affa

The Portuguese Ministry of Internal Affairs and CEPESE signed in January 2012 a cooperation agreement committing to CEPESE the task of conducting a review of the existing documentary heritage regarding the extinct civil governments of Portugal.

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University of the Algarve

CEPESE and the University of the Algarve signed in 2011 a cooperation agreement with the aim of promoting the Research Project "SHIER - Sedimentary Filling Processes and Holocene Evolution of the Ria Formosa Lagoon System”, developed by the University of the Algarve with the participation of CEPESE, a project aiming to analyse the physical and geological processes in that lagoon system that resulted of natural climate changes, to which the effects of human activity are added.

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Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisboa

CEPESE and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon established, in September 2010, a cooperation agreement aiming at the cooperation in research projects considered relevant and of common interest; and in the organization of seminars and other scientific and pedagogic promotion activities also deemed relevant and of common interest to both institutions.

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University of Azores

CEPESE and the University of Azores signed, in July 2010, a cooperation agreement aiming the promotion of the participation of professors and researchers in joint projects to be developed; the involvement of collaborators in the establishment of work groups, favouring the joint collaboration on this subject; the development of joint research work; and the organization of cultural or social activities of interest to both parties. Within the scope of this agreement, the VI Seminário sobre Emigração de Portugal para o Brasil (6th Seminar on the Emigration from Portugal to Brazil) was precisely held at the University of Azores, in the Angra do Heroísmo campus.

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade da Beira Interior  

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Beira Interior

CEPESE and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Beira Interior signed, in April 2010, a cooperation agreement aiming at carrying out research studies and projects in areas to be determined; the joint organization of seminars, conferences, colloquia and open lectures on themes of interest to both institutions; the exchange of statistical information and other information; and, as much as possible, the acceptance by CEPESE of internships by soon-to-be-graduated students of the courses/undergraduate programmes held at FCSH UBI, thus promoting the insertion of recently graduated applicants in the job market.

Município de Palmela  

Municipality of Palmela

CEPESE and the Municipality signed, in March 2010, a cooperation agreement aimed at creating an institutional framework for the development of cooperation activities that reinforce the mutual interests of both institutions, in particular in the study/research, training and dissemination areas in the field of the Military Orders.

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa  

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon

CEPESE and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon signed, in January 2008, a cooperation agreement with the goal of promoting the participation of researchers in possible joint programmes; to promote the involvement of collaborators in the constitution of work groups; to approach development and/or research works of singular interest to both parties; to facilitate the use of material means for the conduction of work; and collaborate or hold joint cultural or social activities of interest to both parties.

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Polícia Judiciária (Criminal Investigation Department)

CEPESE and the Judicial Police established, in 2007, a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting the cooperation between both institutions. The established agreement intends to ensure that both parties benefit from cooperation actions in the fields they are devoted to, namely concerning the implementation and development of a scientific research project on the theme "The Economy of Corruption in Portugal".

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PME - Portugal

In 2007, it was established a cooperation agreement between CEPESE and PME – Portugal - Associação de Pequenas e Médias Empresas (Association of Small and Medium Entreprises), through which both parties pledge to develop cooperation actions in research projects and studies, support R&D actions, develop specialized and postgraduate training, promote the establishment of companies and hold scientific and technical internships, strengthening the cooperation and exchange efforts between the two institutions.

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Universidade Fernando Pessoa

In 2007 it was established a cooperation agreement between CEPESE and University Fernando Pessoa aimed at creating conditions for the exchange of researchers from both institutions, programmes, technical and scientific knowledge and research developing methods, as well as human and physical resources. It is the goal of this agreement to develop research projects/ works; the involvement of collaborators in work groups; the availability of material and human resources for the development of activities and/or research works; and the collaboration and organization of scientific activities of interest to both institutions.

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Escola Superior de Educação da Guarda

O CEPESE e a Escola Superior de Educação da Guarda assinaram um protocolo de colaboração, no início do ano 2007, com vista ao desenvolvimento de uma cooperação mútua, fomentando a prestação de serviços e o intercâmbio de programas, conhecimentos científicos, técnicos e métodos de desenvolvimento e/ou investigação, como a adequada utilização de recursos humanos e físicos.

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Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco

Em finais de 2006, foi celebrado um protocolo de colaboração entre o CEPESE e a Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, visando a promoção da participação de professores e investigadores em projetos de responsabilidade conjunta que se venham a realizar, assim como a sua incorporação na constituição de grupos de trabalho, em prol da colaboração mútua nesta matéria.

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Municipality of Porto

Taking into consideration the importance of the scientific activity and acknowledging the several research areas as promoting development in social, cultural and economic fields for the City of Porto, CEPESE and the Municipality of Porto signed a cooperation agreement, in 2006, reflecting a closer connection between the Autarchy City Hall and the academic world. This agreement aims at researching, carrying out case studies and providing support/ cooperation in activities that help deepening the knowledge on population, teaching, companies, cultural heritage, economic and social history of the Municipality, as well as other studies of interest to both institutions. Through this agreement, are also promoted joint actions of public interest in the cultural and scientific development fields, of consultancy, as a way of ensuring skills for setting strategic guidelines and the decision making process, the efficiency of which demands more and more the support of specialized technical studies promoting and enriching the research developed by CEPESE.

Governo Civil do Distrito do Porto v1  

Local Administration Office of the District of Porto

In 2006 it was established an agreement between CEPESE and the Local Administration Office of the District of Porto in which the Local Administration Office committed to financially support the project “Emigration from Northern Portugal to Brazil”, of the responsibility of CEPESE.

ISLA – Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração v1  


The agreement established between CEPESE and ISLA, signed in 2006, aims at promoting the rendering of services and the exchange of professors and researchers of both institutions, promoting their participation in joint projects; carrying out joint research works, of interest to both parties; making it easier the usage of material resources for the accomplishment of scientific works; and collaborating in cultural and social activities, contributing to their funding and organization. Following this agreement, ISLA became a collective partner of CEPESE.

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Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia

The Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, by agreements established with CEPESE, has, since 2005, secured its sponsorship in projects that CEPESE has been developing on the Real Companhia Velha (namely the Inventory of the Documentary, Material, Iconographic and Cartographic Heritage of Real Companhia Velha, submitted by the Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia to CCDRN), the Portuguese Emigration to Brazil and the sociologic study on the Mayors of Vila Nova de Gaia, as well as the legislation regarding their positions between 1922-2010.

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Lusíada University of Porto

CEPESE established, in 2004, a cooperation agreement with the Lusíada University of Porto aiming at implementing the cooperation between both Institutions. The activities to be developed between both Institutions are the exchange and cooperation in the supervision of Masters and PhD students; the development of research projects in International Relations and History of International Relations fields; the organization of conferences, colloquia, national and international seminars; the publishing of joint works; and the cooperation within the scope of Master and PhD programs to be developed by the Lusíada University of Porto. The research line has its own premises at the Lusíada University of Porto, with all the equipment necessary for the work of its members; and that Institution became a collective partner of CEPESE.

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Real Companhia Velha

CEPESE signed an agreement with Real Companhia Velha, in 2004, aiming at ensuring the maintenance and access to its Company Archive, and supporting the production of research works based, partially or completely, on its documentary funds. The Real Companhia Velha is part of the honour patronage of CEPESE.

Associação Os Amigos do Arquivo Distrital de Bragança v1  

Association of "The Friends of the District Archive of Bragança

Following the inventorying, study and promotion work of the documentary heritage of the district of Bragança, part of the Douro/ Duero Virtual – Virtual Centre of the Cultural Heritage of the Douro Valley project, by CEPESE, we established with the Association of The Friends of the District Archive of Bragança, in 2003, an agreement aiming at ensuring a suitable cooperation in this field.

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District Archive of Porto

CEPESE established an agreement with the District Archive of Porto, in 2002, aiming at technically supporting the activity of this Centre, namely carrying out the Inventory of the Archive of Real Companhia Velha and the collection of sources for the project “Emigration from Northern Portugal to Brazil.”

Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa  

Higher Institute of Statistics and Information Management of the New University of Lisbon (ISEGI)

CEPESE and ISEGI established, in July 1999, an agreement aiming at promoting interdisciplinary studies between both institutions; exchange in the supervision of masters and PhD students; development of projects in areas such as Demography, Demographic Information Systems and Geographic Information Systems; organization of conferences, colloquia, masters, seminars; scientific publications; and making available documentary resources.