População e Sociedade n.º 41

Judite Gonçalves de Freitas (editor)

June 2024

 Thematic Issue

The Past of the Future: On the 50th Anniversary of the 25th of April


Judite Gonçalves de Freitas


On the 50th anniversary of April 25, 1974, we commemorate one of the most significant milestones in Portugal's recent history, recalling not only the Carnation Revolution itself but also the lasting impact it had on Portuguese society and the country. The Revolution of April 25, 1974, was the result of a convergence of political, social, economic, and cultural factors that gave rise to a political, social, and economic discontent caused by 48 years of dictatorship and 13 years of colonial war. The Portuguese revolution, which ended the authoritarian and colonialist regime and established a democratic system, was notable for its relative lack of violence.
Rethinking April 25 entails a critical reflection on the events and consequences of the revolution in Portugal, as well as a broader analysis of its impact on Portuguese society and the political, social, economic, and cultural dynamics of the country. It is important to analyse in a critical manner the successes and failures of the democratic process, the revolution's impact on Portuguese society, including changes in living standards, civil and political rights, education, health, gender equality, as well as the issue of historical narratives and cultural representations of the April movement, and the current and future challenges faced by Portugal. This is the primary objective of this Thematic Dossier.
The Varia section contains two articles. One addresses the impacts of climate change on health and the best practices of the humanitarian group WASH; the other, starting from the economic and political context of the transition from the 1920s to the 1930s, aims to examine aspects of the evolution of cereal policy in the Azores.
Dossier Temático