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News — English



Seminário “Ciclo de História das Nobrezas de Antigo Regime: modelos de reprodução social e institucional – o modelo vincular”

No próximo dia 22 de março, na Sala Multiusos 2, edifício ID, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, entre as 9:30 e as 17 horas, o CEPESE e o Instituto de Estudos Medievais organizarão o Seminário “Ciclo de História das Nobrezas de Antigo Regime: modelos de reprodução social e institucional – o modelo vincular”.

Lançamento da obra: "Há Cem Anos – A República"

No próximo dia 11 de março, pelas 17:30 horas, na Fundação Manuel António da Mota, no Porto, vai ser apresentada ao público a obra de homenagem ao historiador Vitorino Magalhães Godinho, intitulada "Há Cem Anos – A República" e editada pelo CEPESE, no âmbito das comemorações do centenário do seu nascimento, que tiveram lugar em 2018.

CEPESE and RED ARCA COMUNIS signed an agreement

CEPESE and RED ARCA COMUNIS signed a collaboration agreement in March 2018, with the objective of promoting technical and scientific collaboration with a view to carrying out joint research projects. Arca Comunis is a network of research projects on the History of Hispanic Treasury and Taxation (13th to 18th centuries) and its relations with other European models.

Official presentation of the book Porto Football Association. A Centennial Institution

The official presentation ceremony of the book Porto Football Association. A Centennial Institution, by Fernando de Sousa, Isilda Monteiro, Diogo Ferreira and Ricardo Rocha, took place on January 26 at the Auditorium of the Football Association of Porto. The book was presented by the Rector of the University of Porto, Prof. Dr. Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo and the secretary of State of Youth and Sport.

Science and Technology Week 2017

From November 20th to 25th, in the scope of Science and Technology Week, an initiative of the Programme “Ciência Viva”, CEPESE will welcome higher education students and the general public interested in learning about the activity carried out by a research centre devoted to social and human sciences. Within this activity, CEPESE will also held workshops dedicated to research methodologies in Social and Human Sciences, and offer publications to all participants.

Official presentation of the book "Provedores of the Misercórdia of Porto (1499-2017)"

The book Provedores of the Misercórdia of Porto (1499-2017), authored by several researchers from CEPESE, was officially presented last October 3rd at the Gallery of Benefactors of the Museum of the Misericórdia. This work presents, in three volumes, the biographies of the 240 personalities who headed the administration of the Misericórdia of Porto, their academic, civic, professional and political paths, paying particular attention to their activity as provedores, their influence in the Institution and their legacy. It also includes an introductory study addressing the election process, the provedor’s competencies and duties since the foundation of the Misericórdia and the analysis of several elements that help to determine their individual and collective traits.

Oporto ECHIC Conference 2014

In the coming days 3, 4 and 5 March it will take place in the University of Porto the Oporto ECHIC Conference 2014 of the European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres, of which CEPESE is a founding member.